Last year the AMA announced the release of the 2020 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set containing identifiers and descriptors assigned to each medical, surgical, and diagnostic services available to patients. The ASE and ACC collaborated for a successful CPT application for a myocardial strain imaging reimbursable code (CPT Code +93356). Code +93356 became effective for Medicare claims processing January 1, 2020. It is intended to report myocardial strain imaging in conjunction with the various transthoracic echo procedure codes, in addition to those for stress echocardiography services. This code is designed to be reported once per imaging session. This is considered an important milestone, and the first new echo service to achieve CPT category I status in decades validating the tremendous clinical value strain imaging brings to improving the quality and standardization of echo studies.
Here are a few of the reasons EchoInsight is the right choice for your clinical echo lab:
- Clinical easy-to-use strain imaging with serial comparison capabilities
- Automated cardiac function measurements
- Vendor neutral platform
- Streamlined interoperability and workflow
- Affordable pricing
- Comprehensive customer support